True Healing Occurs When Living in Balance

True Healing Occurs When Living in Balance

The Universe is always in balance. This is simply the nature of things. We are all microcosms of the universe and when we live – seeing that our lives are always in balance – we create an environment where healing can occur. However, we have become unconsciously focused on a one-sided life and have bought into what has become the “opium of the masses”: the belief that we can be happy all the time. Remember, fantasy sells to the masses, not to the intelligent.

There always has been and always will be two sides to every situation. To truly heal ourselves, we must develop the ability to recognize that there are always two sides of life and that we are always in balance. When we pursue a one-sided life, we are trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation that we can never attain, and that belief will bring emotional and physical dis-ease into our experience. When we eliminate the emotional charge or stress from a situation, we create an environment where healing can occur.

Hedonism is The Pursuit of a One-Sided Life

The Roman Empire is the perfect example. This was an entire culture that lived out of balance, which ultimately led to its total demise. When the Roman Empire was at its peak, the people self-indulged in wine, sex, and more wine and more sex, in the pursuit of happiness. Instead of growing in awareness and living a purpose-filled life, they got lazy and self-absorbed. Eventually, it led to the Barbarians taking over their city and causing them to lose their empire.

This very same scenario is playing out in today’s society as people continue to pursue a one-sided life. Living that one-sided life, though, goes against our spiritual nature in our connection with God/The Universe.

The most common definition of God is that It is infinite. Based on this fact alone, there is no one-sided God. A God who is only good in not infinite. God is like a magnet with both a positive and a negative charge. We can break the magnet into many pieces, but no matter how it’s broken up, there will always be a positive and negative in each piece. God created the many from the One. Because of that, we are individualizations of God. We are the same as the magnet and possess both positive and negative charges, which we pass down to our kids.

It’s only when become aware that we have perfect balance with in us that we have a divine moment that brings healing. Many people think we have to experience extreme joy to get to this place. But the truth is, it’s in the balance of joy and sadness that we find love, peace, and healing. As Dr. John Demartini says, “Love is the Synthesis and Synchronicity of Complementary Opposites.” Breaking this down for you, Synthesis is the combining into a single or unified entity. Synchronicity means simultaneously, or at the exact same moment. When complimentary opposites unite simultaneously, we have love. 

Why A One-Sided Life is Unhealthy

When we live a life that is out of balance, we create an environment where we can experience dis-ease. Both our mental and physical well-being suffer when we get out of balance. Balance to the body is the perfect state of homeostasis. An example of this is that when the body is in pH balance, cancer cannot grow. It is only when the body is out of balance that cancer grows, and science is discovering this same thing to be true with many other illnesses.

These are some of the aspects of your health that are affected when we are not in balance:

Things We Enjoy Become Addictions

Think about the things you have pursued in your life that have brought you pleasure. Maybe it’s been alcohol, sex, eating, shopping, etc. Not that any of these things are bad on their own. But, without balance, these things become addictions, not just something you enjoy.

We Are Overwhelmed with Depression

It has been determined that most depression is the result of living up to unrealistic expectations that we have set, or we have let others set for us. When we find ourselves depressed, ask, “what am I thinking? Am I only focusing on one side of the situation?” The goal is to bring your thoughts back to balance and see both sides. When you neutralize the emotional charge of an event or situation, it will no longer have power over you. We have to be the scientists that examine our lives, take personal responsibility, and make necessary adjustments. Remember, whatever we repress gets expressed in every area of life. We must learn to be grateful and see the good in everything.

We Experience Weight Gain and Physical Ailments

Anytime we repress something instead of expressing it, it affects us mentally and physically. When we are out of balance, it can cause physical side effects like weight gain or other ailments. In fact, these things are a sign that we are out of balance and we should look within ourselves to restore that balance. 

The power to heal has always been within us. Our job is to recognize it. With the help of medical practitioners and a healthy lifestyle, we can create a life with health and well-being. The Divine Plan for us is to see that everything is always in balance, to experience love. Ergo, everything that happens to us is to bring us back to love. Love is the synthesis and synchronicity of complementary opposites.