Introduction to iRest Meditation

iRest meditation is a simple and powerful tool for deepening (or starting) your meditation practice.

Developed in partnership with Walter Reed Army Medical Center to treat PTSD, iRest has its roots in Yoga Nidra, and is recognized as science-based treatment by the military and VA. At UT Dallas Center for Brain Health’s Brain Performance Institute some call it

“Magic backed by Brain Science “

iRest helps you tap into that calm place within – even when life is not.
Some people use iRest to relax when life gets busy. Others use it to help heal from serious trauma, stress, insomnia, depression, PTSD, chronic pain and chemical dependency.

It is a spiritual practice worth investigating.

COST: Free

FACILITATED BY: Gene Morrissey, RScP, iRest Teacher

The best way to understand iRest is to do it