Agape Classes & Events (Page 2)

Grow with Agape!

Agape Center for Spiritual Living is a teaching community. We offer certified classes from The Centers for Spiritual Living. Through our classes, we give you the opportunity to explore spiritual laws and test them to see if they can really work for you. We don’t ask you to simply believe what we say – we want you to prove it to yourself!

Experience something new with some our special guests and in our workshops, check the events frequently for what’s coming up next!

Women’s Group, In-Person

New Location!

2nd SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, immediately after Sunday Service

For women who want to develop deeper connections within the Agape community.

Self Mastery Class

The Self Mastery course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students have an opportunity to …

Class: The Power in You

Life can feel hard at times, and our dreams stay out of reach. Success just isn’t happening as planned. It might be the right job, a perfect life partner, better health or more income. Whatever